What is the lake level, and when does it change?
Lake levels on Lake Martin are controlled by Alabama Power Co. (APCO) under a federal license approved by the Federal Power Commission (now Federal Energy Regulatory Commission – FERC). LMRA has played a central role in brokering compromise agreements with APCO and other stakeholders to preserve the recreational uses of Lake Martin and establish the water levels that are now in force. That agreement permits the APCO to begin filling the reservoir in February to reach full pool (491 feet msl) on May 1, and retain this level until September 1 when the drawdown begins. A level of 484 feet msl is reached in December. The license allows for a conditional extension of the full pool level into mid-October if proper conditions exist and an every-sixth-year winter pool level of 481 feet msl to allow for seawall and dock repair and construction.
Recognizing that much has changed on Lake Martin since the early 70s, and there is a greater demand for higher water levels over a longer period of time, LMRA was a strong and active participant in the relicensing negotiations that resulted in the change of the winter drawdown.
Current Lake Level:
The Rule Curve
Example of the lake levels over time and the established rule curve.