Boater Safety — Lake Martin Resource Association

Promoting safe, fun boating on Lake Martin

“Women on Lake Martin” boating class

In conjunction with Russell Marine, LMRA annually hosts a boater safety and driving course for ladies on Lake Martin, usually in April. Sign up must be in advance and the class can accommodate about 30 ladies who learn basic boating skills and safety. Boats are supplied by Russell Marine and our volunteers and Alabama Marine Police provide the instruction. The course consists of classroom time as well as on-water training. For more information check the Russell Marine website or the Russell Lands On Lake Martin Events Calendar.


Docking Lights

There is growing concern about the use of docking lights by boaters while on the open water. Most all pontoon boats and many run-a-bouts now have docking lights.  Boat operators should be aware that these are NOT running lights and should only be used when you are approaching a dock.  On the open water, these lights harm the night vision of other boaters and could cause them not to see on-coming boats.  Marine Police will issue a citation if you are caught using docking lights on open water.  So, be safe, be courteous and save yourself a citation.  This way everyone will enjoy boating on our beautiful lake at night.


Special Boating Events

Boating events are often held on Lake Martin and attract thousands of boaters, both local and from other lakes and states. In any event of this type, the consumption of beer, wine and alcohol is prevalent. Boaters should know that Alabama Marine Police are also prominent on the water during these events and will arrest boat drivers if they are under the influence.  For your own safety and enjoyment, drivers should not drink and operate a boat. 

See also…

Alabama Boating Rules and Regulations >
Alabama Boater Safety Certification - Online Course >
HB284 - Boating Safety Bill >