Doing our part to care for our environment
Lake Martin “Renew our Rivers”
LMRA is the coordinator for the Alabama Power Company “Renew our Rivers” annual cleanup of Lake Martin. The objective is to promote public awareness of the problems with litter and illegal dumping on Lake Martin and the surrounding roadsides by organizing and participating in a lake cleanup event. The annual event is usually scheduled as a 1 or 2 day effort held in the fall of the year after the lake level is lowered. The dates are determined at least 12 months in advance. “Renew our Rivers” is a project of Alabama Power Company’s Environmental Affairs department. From the inception of this project, many tons of litter have been removed from Lake Martin and the surrounding roads.
LMRA is responsible for:
Determining the event dates and coordinating with Alabama Power Co. availability
Determining the areas of the lake and roadside most in need of cleanup.
Recruit volunteers
Publicize event
Placement of dumpsters in accessible locations
Organize and manage the event
Provide supplies-tee shirts, trash bags, water, gloves, trash pickers.